Acadia Without Borders - 3DVD
L'Acadie sans frontières is a series of 14 programs on the contemporary history of Acadia in the four Atlantic provinces (1955-2004).
It is not a chronology but a thematic series. Past figures and historians were not interviewed for this series. The images and interventions of the time were used, accompanied by a narration by Ivan Vanhecke and Amélie Gosselin.
The author Antonine Maillet presents each of the shows. During her career, Ms. Maillet signed around thirty works, including La Sagouine and Pélagie-la-Charrette , which won her the Prix Goncourt in 1979.
It is not a chronology but a thematic series. Past figures and historians were not interviewed for this series. The images and interventions of the time were used, accompanied by a narration by Ivan Vanhecke and Amélie Gosselin.
The author Antonine Maillet presents each of the shows. During her career, Ms. Maillet signed around thirty works, including La Sagouine and Pélagie-la-Charrette , which won her the Prix Goncourt in 1979.